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Vibrance Health Westlake Village Blog

Learn more about functional health care in our blog!

Beginner’s Guide to Practicing Mindfulness

Harvard research has found mindfulness can help a myriad of problems, including depression, of which they report more than 16 million people suffer. Other reports state mindfulness, especially through meditation, can reduce anxiety and biases. It can improve self-satisfaction within and thinking abilities. This may be because when you become mindful; you learn how to reduce distractions.

5 Effective Ways to Hit Your Happy Weight (and Maintain It)

This is the time of year when you are setting healthy goals for yourself. You are determined to make this year the one in which you reach your goal weight and most importantly, maintain that weight. You have tried all the traditional methods to help you lose weight.

A Detox Diet Plan for Beginners

Are you feeling sluggish? Do you feel like your metabolism should be working more efficiently? Maybe you notice your immune system needs strengthening or your hormones need balance. Any of these are great reasons to try a detox diet.

Maintaining a Heart-healthy Lifestyle to Fuel Your Cardiac Diet

You may be hearing a lot on the news lately about the increase in cardiovascular disease in America. Many factors attribute to this increase, from genetics to diet and lifestyle. If you are like many others, you want to avoid any type of heart related problems.

Is Iv Vitamin Therapy The New Fountain Of Youth?

For centuries, people have been seeking magical solutions to battle the signs of aging. They seek waters that can prolong life. They seek spells, hypnosis, surgeries and medicines that make them appear and feel younger than their natural age.

Glutathione, Master Antioxidant & Detoxifier

Do you feel like you have been ill more times this year than ever before? Do you see signs of aging appearing long before they should? Do you struggle with mental health issues like depression? Do you feel tired and stressed all the time?

10 Practices for Mind-body Rejuvenation This Spring

Spring is arriving! This is the time when the natural environment comes alive again after a long winter season. Grass begins to grow, plants and flowers start to bloom, and the trees become green again.

The Gifts Of Optimal Health That Keep On Giving

In this study, researchers defined optimal health as exercising for at least 2.5 hours each week, a good diet that rates in the top half of the Healthy Eating Index, non-smoker, and percentage of body fat below 30 % for women and 20% for men.

How A Detox Diet Boosts Energy And Mental Focus

Are you feeling sluggish? Do you worry because you struggle to remember simple things? Are you easily distracted? Do you wish there was a magic wand that you could wave over your body, resetting it to a point where you feel clean, refreshed and energized?

Signs Of Hormonal Imbalance + How To Fix It

Hormones play a special, integral role in your overall health and wellness. They travel throughout your body and tell each organ how to function, what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. For example, your appetite and metabolism are regulated by hormones. Your sleep can be affected by your hormone levels. Even sexual functions, moods and stress require balanced hormones for proper functioning.