Weight Loss

Losing weight might seem like a near-impossible task, especially if you lead a busy life. At Vibrance Health, which has locations in Westlake Village, California, and Naples, Florida, integrative medicine specialist Darren Clair, MD, designs personalized weight-loss programs that are easy for anyone to follow. To start your weight-loss plan, request your consultation at Vibrance Health by phone or online today.

    Weight Loss Q & A

    What is SHAPE weight loss?

    SHAPE weight loss is the physician-assisted weight-loss program that Dr. Clair offers at Vibrance Health. Dr. Clair designed the program to yield long-term, sustainable results so you can keep enjoying health and wellness long after your program ends. The SHAPE program is summarized in an acronym of its name: Safe, Healthy, Address, Permanent, and Effective..


      The program isn’t risky and doesn’t include surgery or experimental drugs. You’ll take small doses of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) while you participate.


      The SHAPE program includes a highly nutritious diet with no prepackaged foods and drinks.


      Dr. Clair helps you identify and address the reasons behind your weight gain.


      The SHAPE program helps you reset your metabolism so you can keep the weight off permanently.


      As long as you follow it diligently, the SHAPE program can help you lose weight regardless of any health conditions that you may already have.

        Why is weight loss important for my health?

        If you’re overweight or obese, losing weight to have less fat on your body is extremely beneficial for your health. Excess body fat is associated with a number of chronic health conditions that are difficult to treat. If you’re currently overweight or obese, losing weight can lower your risk of developing these conditions:

        • Diabetes
        • Heart disease
        • High blood pressure
        • High cholesterol
        • Stroke
        • Osteoarthritis
        • Sleep apnea
        • Some forms of cancer

        If you already have long-term health conditions because of your weight, participating in a doctor-supervised weight-loss program at Vibrance Health can help you manage them or reduce their symptoms.

        What does my weight-loss program include?

        Your SHAPE weight-loss program includes several components. In the beginning, you’ll sit down for a consultation with Dr. Clair during which he helps you identify a specific goal and discusses any current health problems you have. You’ll also visit regularly during your program, so Dr. Clair can monitor your progress and address any personal needs. Your program includes:


        The SHAPE program consists of a diet that is rich in fat-fighting foods, including specific fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. There are no packaged, processed, or frozen foods and no preservatives.

        HCG supplements

        HCG is a hormone that you’ll take during your SHAPE weight-loss program. It helps your body break down fat more efficiently.

        Vitamin and mineral support

        Dr. Clair helps you support your new diet with vitamins and minerals, including weekly vitamin B12 injections. B12 injections help boost your energy and metabolism.


        During your SHAPE program, you will be closely monitored by Dr. Clair and our caring staff. You will attend weekly appointments with our nurse, who is specially trained in our Vibrance SHAPE program. We will track your progress, offer suggestions, and answer any questions you may have while on SHAPE.

        ​​​​​​​To start your physician-assisted, weight-loss program, call Vibrance Health or request a consultation online today.